A treat for a care worker

Aleli Kemp, their in-house trainer sent this nomination through:

"I am putting forward Amanda Maisey for the special recognition award for so many reasons. Going back to the time during covid, Amanda unselfishly gave her time looking after the residents in the home, ignoring her own health, and fears that she may catch covid and lose her own life in return. Instead, she's worked more than 55 hours and never missed a single day.

Amanda is a dedicated senior carer to her calling, always ready to give a helping hand not only to the residents and her colleagues but also to their families, friends, and allied healthcare workers. Amanda is respectful of anyone, no matter what their status, from consultant to domestic. She is a role model and a treasure in Ty Mair. As one of the directors in the home, I noticed that the residents' relatives are always looking for Amanda, and when I had the meet and greet Christmas party with the relatives in 2023, her name was mentioned.

One of the residents who came to our home six months ago never mixed with people after his retirement from the council a few years ago, didn't want to talk to anybody, and refused to go outside his room. His daughter was greatly surprised when one day he told her that Amanda was taking him for a coffee in Costa. He also walks himself into the dining room to have his meal every day to this day. Whenever I am allocating the new staff to their shadow shifts, they always ask Amanda to become their mentor no matter who they are, from the black community, or from India and other nationalities. They all told me that she's kind and has all the time to teach them. She is gentle, kind, respectful, and passionate. I can go on and on, but for these reasons, what a great opportunity this is to nominate Amanda to recognise her in all the extra miles she does for others."

What Amanda had to say of the receipt of her Food & Drink hamper

"I would like to thank you for my recognition as a carer and for those who nominated me. I would also like to thank Pollard's Promises for the wonderful gift I received. For those who work in the care sector, know it is a difficult job but it can also be rewarding too."

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Making dreams come true in the care sector

If one of your residents or service users deserves a treat, maybe has a special birthday approaching or simply has a wish they want to fulfil, then we want to hear from you.

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